
Philip Goutell

Philip Goutell

Let me introduce myself.

I'm a writer. I've been a writer for years. I've written poetry, software ("code"), and songs but mostly advertising. Not long ago I dipped my (ball point) pen into short stories and from there progressed to novels. The world of novels and short stories is "different," at least from the point of view of the writer of such. When wearing the "advertising" hat It doesn't look different at all. It has mostly to do with money.

The game, as I understand it, is to give a publisher the motivation to publish your work. The incentive for the publisher (and the agent and the editor) is the hope of profit. In most cases an "unknown" writer poses too high a risk.

So, in the hope of motivating agents, editors, and publishers, I'm embarking on a journey to become "known" to the book buying public, so that my writing will become sought after and doors will open.

This website is my way of "opening up," of reaching out to the book reading public, giving readers a taste of what I have done and a thirst for what I hope to do.

You can share your thoughts and feedback with me at my blog or here. If you are a writer, we probably have much in common.

Thank you for finding this page. I'll be delighted if you return to it again.

Philip Goutell's Signature