
Short Bio
for Philip Goutell

As a kid I wrote for my own pleasure.

As an adult my writing focused on "junk mail" where I developed concepts, wrote copy, photographed models, coordinated with art directors, and worked closely with lawyers.

Along the way I became a licensed used car dealer specializing in '60s exotics. Marketing a perfume led to my sponsoring perfumery workshops with a British perfumer. Then, with a German chemist, I co-authored an article on Chanel's No.5 which was published in Perfumer & Flavorist. Two of my perfume bottle photos were licensed for use in Karl Schlögel's "Der Duft Der Imperien" and its English translation.

More recently I began writing "fairy tales," as I've told friends who ask. My first effort amassed an impressive collection of rejection letters but someday, who knows? Now, while marketing "Two Writers," I collect notes for my next fiction project, with the understanding that fiction can be truer than truth.